Our Terms & Conditions
Key Items
- You must book classes ahead of time as we have limited capacity.
- Students turning up to fully booked classes without prior bookings may be refused access.
- Booking and failing to attend classes on a regular basis will incur warnings and possible fines.
- Reservation can be cancelled up to 2 hours before class commences.
- Members on waiting lists will automatically be booked in once spots become available.
- We accept no liability with respect to any user contribution submitted by our members.
- You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Carpe Diem Self Defence and affiliated entities and all associates against all claims and liabilities.
- It is your sole responsibility to consult with a qualified physician before undertaking any physical activity with us.
- You will be notified via email 14 days in advance should your membership price change.
- We reserve the right to change our terms and conditions at any time.
- Carpe Diem Self Defence, Carpe Diem Krav Maga, Krav Ninjas, Junior Self Defence, Stay Away Self Defence, Adrenal Self Defence and Bespoke Self Defence are copyrights of Carpe Diem Self Defence Limited 2024.
Carpe Diem Self Defence Terms and Conditions
- These terms and conditions are entered into by and between Carpe Diem Self Defence Ltd (hereinafter: “Carpe Diem”) and You (hereinafter: “the Member”). Exercise, participation in martial arts and combat sports will hereinafter be referred to as: Physical Activities.
- Services: The membership entitles the usage of Carpe Diem training classes and the equipment & services available therein.
- Membership: The membership is personal, and cannot be shared.
- Age Limit: The Member confirms that he/she is 16 years old or older to participate in mixed adult classes. For persons under the age of 16 years old, exceptions are granted based on a written parental consent.
- Health: The Member confirms that he/she does not suffer from health problems that would hinder Physical Activities or prevent him/her from engaging in Physical Activities, or that would be detrimental or adverse to the Member’s health, safety or physical condition if he/she did Physical Activities. In case of any doubt, the Member shall seek advice by a medical doctor who should confirm the ability to exercise. Carpe Diem shall have no obligation to perform a fitness/health assessment or similar testing to determine the Member’s physical condition.
- Liability: Each Member of Carpe Diem shall be liable for any property damage and/or personal injury caused by the Member on class premises. It shall be the obligation of the Member to pay for any costs involved upon presentation of a statement thereof.
- Waiver of Liability: Any and all use of the Carpe Diem training facilities shall be at Member’s own risk at all times. Carpe Diem shall not be liable for any injuries, physical impact or damages to the Member, or the property of the Member, or be subject to any claim arising out of the use of the premises and/or of the equipment made available to the users. Members indemnifies, defend and hold harmless Carpe Diem against all claims and liabilities.
- Class Booking: Members must book your class ahead of time due to limited capacity. Members turning up to fully booked classes without prior bookings may be refused access. Members booking and failing to attend classes on a regular basis will incur warnings and possible fines. Bookings can be cancelled up to 2 hour before class commences; 2 hours for workshops. Members on waiting lists will automatically be booked in once spots become available.
- Schedule Changes: Any changes to our class schedule will be communicated where possible in class and via our members Facebook group. However, the booking system will always reflect our live and most up to date schedule.
- Bank Holidays: We do not run classes on Bank Holidays, specifically Monday Bank Holidays. We ask all our members to plan their training at others locations during bank holiday weeks.
- Club Holidays: We take 4 weeks of annual leave every year: 2 weeks over the Christmas and New Year period; 1 week in the spring; 1 week in the summer. Those dates will be reflected on our booking system. We will endeavour to remind everyone in class and through our Facebook group.
- Train Anywhere: Members need not worry about missing lessons as they can train anywhere. No prior notification is required but classes must be booked in advance through our booking system.
- Uniform: It is mandatory for all club members to wear uniform during class. It’s not optional. Failure to do so will risk refusal from training.
- Adult Joining Fee: The fee to join Carpe Diem Self Defence is £30.
- Junior Joining Fee: The fee to join the junior self defence program is £20.
- Membership Options: Limited x1 per week; Standard x6 per month; Unlimited for unlimited training.
- Change of Membership: Membership levels can be changed at anytime via email requests to [email protected]. They will be activated from the beginning of the following month. Please allow 14 days to process.
- Price Lock: We operate a price-lock policy for all our members. As long as their membership remains active or on paid pause, then memberships rates will be frozen. Should a member decide to cancel and rejoin, it would be at the current club rates.
- Satisfaction Guarantee: During 7 days from the start of the membership, the Member can cancel his membership free of charge, and will be reimbursed in full.
- Annual Insurance: All members are required to pay their annual insurance fee of £50. No action is required on their part, as we collect these fees via direct debit during the 2nd month of their membership and annually thereafter. Members will receive notifications from GoCardless every time this happens.
- Payment: The Member is responsible for the payment of the membership. This is true even if the amount is debited directly by Carpe Diem. Agreed price only applies if the Member pays according to the agreed conditions. The first month’s payment or adjusted amount along with any sign-up fee are paid at the point of this agreement. The Member agrees for scheduled debit payments from his/her account or card. Subscription membership payments are collected at the beginning of each month. The Member is responsible for all payments including having sufficient funds for the recurring direct debits by Carpe Diem. Cancellation must be communicated via email and acknowledged 30 days before termination date. If the payment is late the Member will receive a reminder email from Carpe Diem and training may be suspended. The membership will continue to run. If after 30 days the amount is not paid, the Member will be in violation of the contract. Carpe Diem may transfer the case to external debt recovery services which will incur additional fees.
- Adult Membership Cancellation: All monthly memberships can be cancelled by giving 30 days notice. To give notice, the Member must send an email to [email protected]. Carpe Diem will confirm cancellation via email. Cancellations cannot be applied retrospectively. Cancellations of direct debits inside the notice period; without notice; without agreement, will incur a £20 administrative fee. Should an alumni member decide to re-activate their membership, a £30 joining fee will be required.
- Adult Membership Cancellation during Pause period: To cancel a membership during a paid pause period, the Member must give 30 days notice by sending an email to [email protected]. Carpe Diem will confirm cancellation via email. Note: 30 days notice will be for their membership fees, not the fees being paid during their paused membership.
- Junior Membership Cancellation: Membership are charged termly and automatically renew every school term. Any cancellation must be communicated 30 days before the beginning fo the next term by sending an email to [email protected]. Paid term fees are not refundable.
- Price Changes: All prices are fixed for the duration of a membership. Any prices changes will be communicated at least one month prior to implementation.
- Membership Pause: Training on monthly memberships can be frozen at the cost of £10 per month. The minimum pause period is 1 month to be taken in calendar month increments. Requests must be made via email to [email protected] at least 14 days in advance and cannot be applied retrospectively. Failure to notify Carpe Diem of a pause (eg: cancellation of direct debit) will deem it an unauthorised cancellation which carry an administrative fee and any outstanding charges.
- Change of Membership: Membership levels can be changed at anytime via email requests to [email protected]. They will be activated from the beginning of the following month. Please allow 14 days to process.
- Adult Class Cancellations: In the event of a class cancellation, we will make every effort to give our members as much notice as possible and request they make up their session at another location. No refunds will be issued.
- Junior Class Cancellations: Class cancellations are rare, but they may occur due to circumstances beyond our control. If more than 2 classes are cancelled within the same term, Carpe Diem Self Defence will deduct 10% from the following term’s fees.
- Copyrights: Carpe Diem Self Defence, Carpe Diem Krav Maga, Krav Ninjas, Junior Self Defence, Stay Away Self Defence, Adrenal Self Defence and Bespoke Self Defence are copyrights of Carpe Diem Self Defence Limited 2024.
Get in touch

[email protected]
+44 (0) 7520 633585